Established in 1928, Neugart supplied precision gears and mechanisms for the German watch and clock industry. With the ever increasing use of motorized systems, Neugart parlayed this extensive experience towards gear reduction systems and introduced it’s first planetary gearbox in 1967. Since that time, their goal has always been one of innovation by producing the best balanced and streamlined designs possible. To that end, they pioneered the honing process of precision gears which gives many performance attributes (precision, efficiency, life, noise, etc.).
Units are stocked in the US thereby giving quick and timely delivery. Finally, adapters kits are also readily available for all brands/sizes of motors.
In-line high precision gearhead with industry standard long pilot output "drop in" compatibility.
The PLN series is the standard Neugart inline high precision planetary gearhead for applications with very high precision requirements. Whether torque, robustness, or precision - this attractive product range scores in every category.
Low backlash <3 arcmin (<1 arcmin optional)
High output torque - the industry's highest torque density
Right angle high precision gear-head with industry standard long pilot output "drop in" compatibility.
The WPLN series gearhead is the enhanced right angle high precision planetary gearhead for applications with very high precision, requiring a right angle configuration. The design of this unit features a hypoid right angle stage design (up to 10:1 ratio) and in higher ratios, an integration of the hypoid stage with high output torque planetary stage. As a result of the optimized, precision hardened and lapped hypoid gears, the noise generation is exceptionally low.
Low backlash <5arcmin
High output torque - the industry's highest torque density
Small installation space
Precise, easy, and flexible motor mounting (PCS-2 system)
High value economy compact planetary servo gear-head with rotating disk (flange) type output.
High output torque, high tilting rigidity and moderate backlash: the PLFE series is impressive in many aspects. The economy flange gearboxes combine the compactness of our PLFN with the economical aspects of the PLE gearboxes.
Low backlash
High output torque - the industry's highest torque density
Right angle precision high value economy planetary gearhead with rotating disk (flange) type output.
As a torsionally stiff drive component, our compact WPLFE right angle planetary gearbox is the ideal solution for many fields. The compactness of the WPLFE provides the freedom in your application you have long been looking for.
Saves space with minimal mounting height
High efficiency
High output torque
Output flange according to EN ISO 9409
Simple, safe and fast mounting
Highest torsional stiffness for precise drive solutions
High ratio range from i=3 to i=100
Any mounting position
Proven quality
Precise gearing with lifetime lubrication
Simple motor mounting with clamping system and custom motor adaptation